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25 December 2k4

Hiya ppo! Wooo Hooo itz christmas n a gt ma new computer
 so a decided to make ma new syt
 Well ....Eh new is Am Still Goin out wif Oj    n Mel n Tam McL are nippin now  n Cheryl n Tam McK are goin out   Sarah used to like rizzo but am no sure if she still does lol. Emma n Junior hav Been Goin out over a yeer now there both luved up n a hink theyll go out for pure ages   Katie n Sawers is still goin out  n so is Emma n Martyn n also Jane n Kieran n Jennifer n Daz are nippin now

Sum ppo went to the Christman Dance In qube whick was suppost to b reely gd  n thn theres eh new yeer one on Thursday n am goin   . But tomoz me n jane are goin out n gttin a booze a hink  but am not gonna gt cot n thn after new yeer thts me stopped boozin  lol enyways a dunno wot else there is to say so all update it after eh dancin

    cya x  x


9th January 2k5


Hello Ppo !!


Well eh news is . . . Am no goin out wif Oj enymore n Melz no Nippin Tam either 
But shez now nippin Squizo agen n Cheryl n Tam are still goin out  n a dunno hoo Sarah lyks . she was nippin Stuart Grant but thn they stopped Courtney n Danny arnt gon out either
but a hink theyll end up goin bak out soon  n At eh dancin on saturday  Jane was nippin Garry Mc n thn she had an empty n  a was sittin ma self in eh computer room coz her n Garry was in one room n Mel n Squizo was in another aw bcoz she woodny let a few boys in coz she fot they wood reck her house ( adont blame her but )  Emma n Junior are still luved up  n so is Emma n Martyn. Jennifer n Daz are still nippin
n Lisa n Ashleigh both fancy Nelson
thts bout it wots been happinin so all update soon


cya x  x



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